
View, add, and manage position and referral lists.


View and add position lists.

 Add Position - Create a new Position List.

Search - Narrow table results by searched keyword, including tags.

 Show me how - Watch the How to Create a Position List video tutorial.

 Show Dormant - Show positions marked dormant in the Position List table.

 Hide Dormant - Hide positions marked dormant in the Position List table.

Selected Position List

 Add workers to list

 Show Dormant - Show workers marked dormant.

 Hide Dormant - Hide workers marked dormant.

Update Ranking - 

Worker Response Stats - 

Remove Worker from Position - 

Set Worker to Dormant - 

Set Worker to Active - 

Set Worker to Primary - 

(remove primary)

Referral Lists

View referral lists.

Create, rename, reorder, and delete Referral Lists in Settings under Calls.

Add workers to a Referral List on the Positions tab of their profiles.