Worker Profile

Worker Profile

View and edit a specific worker's details, including managing availability and vacations.

Profile Buttons

Full action set of buttons on worker profiles

Outline of a star button, unselectedSolid star button, selected Primary - A worker that is placed at the top of the crew selection list when adding crew to a position or tweaking a call.

Dormant button Dormant - Set a worker so they aren't sent offers or seen in worker list. To view dormant workers, click Show Dormant on the Workers page.

Text button Resend Setup Text - Send the setup text a worker must affirm before receiving work offers.

Save button Save - Upon making any changes to a worker's profile, click save to confirm and keep changes.

Profile Tabs


Contains all the basic info for a worker: Name, email address, phone number and registration date, with a space for notes. As well as checkboxes for if the worker uses a landline, is a primary worker, or to send them a reminder 24 hours and 4 hours prior to every shift.


Shows a calendar of the worker's schedule. You can search past and future shifts by call ID or name. Click the Today button  to jump back to the current day in the calendar. Use the arrows  to navigate between months. The email schedule button  sends the next twenty shifts to a worker in a single email.


All messages sent to and received by a worker. The left shows replies: YES confirmations, NO declines, and passive no (did not respond to the offer before the next escalation period). The right shows messages they've been sent: offer confirmations, offers, and other messages such as errors and instructions to set up schedule emails.


View and make changes to the worker's referral list and positions. A worker can only be on one referral list at a time, use the drop down to choose which list. Check positions to place the worker on the position list, choose a rank with the slider, and select a skill level via the drop down.


Shows the worker's response rate, their average response time, and lists their responses by date.

Off Time

View, add and delete changes to the worker's vacations. Use the (plus) add button to choose a start and end date to the worker's vacation. Select the type via the dropdown: Vacation will not send any offers, Away Time will send offers for shifts starting after the worker's vacation is over.


View, add and delete changes to the worker's availability. Use the (plus) add button to create a new availability constraint. Availability constraints can be a specific time of day throughout an entire week or select days, and be limited between specific dates on a calendar or indefinitely recurring.


View and check boxes for qualifications. Create profile checkboxes in Settings under Profiles.


Activity log for the worker. Displays messages sent and received, and any changes to worker's profile or positions made by administrators.