Messages from Crew

TypeWhat is it?Originates fromTriggers action(s)Override byTriggers action(s)
Passive noWorker didn't respond inside of escalation timeSystemMove to decline listNo, Yes(see: No, Yes)
NoWorker sent in a message that we recognize as noWorker

Move to decline list 


Attempt to assign to slot

YesWorker sent in a message that we recognize as yesWorker

Attempt to assign to slot

Text sent to worker if they are confirmed, or shift is unavailable


If call is still open, text sent to worker notifying removal, notification sent to coordinator

If call is locked, text sent to worker that call is locked and they should call their coordinator to make changes

UnknownAnything CrewDriver doesn't recognizeWorkerSend a response prompting to check for typosNo, Yes, Passive no(see: No, Yes, Passive no)