Escalation Rates

The Escalation Rate is how long CrewDriver waits before sending the next round of offers. If every offer gets a response, the call escalates and sends the next round of offers immediately. The Escalation Rate is also how long CrewDriver waits after the last shift is filled before closing the call to response changes.

Set Rates

CrewDriver has four predetermined Escalation Rates to choose from when creating a call. Three of the four be adjusted in Settings under Calls.



Offers sent inside Messaging Hours

6, 12, 18, or 24 hours



Offers sent inside Messaging Hours

1, 2, 3, or 4 hours

Last Minute


Offers sent inside Messaging Hours

5, 10, 15, 20, 25, or 30 minutes



Offers sent any time

1 minute

Use Recommended Rate

When selecting an Escalation Rate in Call Creation you can chose Use Recommended Rate to have CrewDriver do the math for an Escalation Rate that should fill the call by a chosen date based on worker responses. Input the number of shifts to fill, the call’s start date and the date to fill shifts by. The Recommended Escalation Rate will generate, which you can edit before confirming to use.